Thursday, January 12, 2012

Mobile phone

A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and a hand phone) is a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link whilst moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to the public telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station.
In addition to telephony, modern mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text messaging, MMS, email, Internet access, short-range wireless communications (infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to as smartphones.
The first hand-held mobile phone was demonstrated by Dr Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973, using a handset weighing around 1 kg.[1] In 1983, the DynaTAC 8000x was the first to be commercially available. In the twenty years from 1990 to 2010, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew from 12.4 million to over 4.6 billion, penetrating the developing economies and reaching the bottom of the economic pyramid.[2][3][4][5]

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nicolas Steno Google Logo Honors Geologist's 374th Birthday

Google's homepage logo on January 11 was transformed to celebrate the 374th birthday of Nicolas Steno (1638 - 1686), a pioneer in the fields of geology and botany.
This Google doodle features a stylized animation of the earth's layers, with green plant life and animals sitting atop sediment embedded with fossils.
The Washington Post explains how the logo reflects Steno‘s most famous contributions to science:
The strata illustrate Steno's "principle of original horizonality," which essentially says that rock layers form horizontally -- and only appear differently if later disturbances cause the deviation. And the fossils in the lower stratified rock help illustrate Steno's "law of superposition," which -- simply put -- says that the oldest rock layers are sequentially deposited on the bottom unless otherwise disturbed.
Born in Denmark, Steno began his professional career studying human anatomy. But it was his examination of shark teeth that led him to question science as the world knew it. He noticed that the teeth resembled shapes he had seen in rocks, and he concluded that those shapes were the remains of ancient animals. According to the University of Vermont's profile of Steno, his discovery marks the birth of modern geology.
"His observations contributed to the fundamental observations that bind together the study of geology, which over time provided the framework that would allow fellow scientists to use fossil evidence to examine how life evolved on Earth," writes UVM.
In 1667, Steno converted to Catholicism and moved on from scientific pursuits to religious study. "He was ordained as a priest in 1675," according to the University of California's Museum of Palentology. "In 1677, he became a titular bishop, and spent the rest of his life ministering to the minority Roman Catholic populations in northern Germany, Denmark, and Norway."
Take a look at the doodle (below) and click through the slideshow to see our favorite doodles ever.

The Art of 3-D Printing

As part of our special report on manufacturing, we asked Neri Oxman, a professor at the MIT Media Lab and an internationally recognized artist whose work is part of the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, to create a sculpture that would illustrate the future of manufacturing. (See a gallery of images).
What she produced, in collaboration with MIT materials science professor Craig Carter, is a powerful demonstration of the possibilities of 3-D printing, using techniques that take advantage of the capabilities of 3-D printers in ways that conventional manufacturing techniques cannot.  
3-D printing encompasses a range of technologies—from inkjet heads mounted on gantries that can deposit plastics layer by layer to form intricate models, to more recent laser-based systems that sinter metal powders to make durable parts for airplanes. 3-D printers have mainly been used for prototyping, but they are becoming an option for manufacturing as well, and may eventually even be used to print buildings, Oxman says. But designers and architects haven't yet learned to take advantage of their capabilities.
Oxman, who trained as an architect, says buildings are designed today with an eye toward the components they can be made of—sheets of plywood, panes of glass, steel beams, and concrete columns. As a result, those designs are limited, in much the way Lego bricks constrain the shapes that children can build. There are similar limitations in conventional manufacturing; there are some shapes that simply can't be built with existing molds and machining tools, and designers have had to design with these limits in mind.
Oxman is exploring ways to break with conventional design thinking by looking to patterns and processes found in nature, and using equations that define these processes to generate new designs. The results are often surprising shapes and structures that can be made only with 3-D printers.
To help develop the algorithms needed, Oxman has teamed up with Carter and others. In some cases, the algorithms provide new aesthetics, but they can also have practical applications—such as varying the structure to help bear loads. For one sculpture—a model of a chaise longue reclined chair—Oxman combined algorithms taken from nature with a map of the pressure a body exerts on a chair. The result depends on where the algorithms determine the chair needs to be soft to provide comfort and where it needs to be stiff to provide support.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Apple iPad 3 to arrive in March, followed by iPad 4 in October to fend off the Windows 8 slates

Those talkative "component supplier" sources that are always feeding ideas to Digitimes, are rearing their heads again with the grand scoop that Apple will be outing iPad 3 in March, followed by an iPad 4 in October, which, if true, will shorten the upgrade cycle to half a year.

Not that we didn't hear rumors last year that there will be an iPad 3 with higher display resolution in the fall, which never materialized, but the sources say iPad 4 is necessitated by the fact that the first Windows 8 slates will be arriving then, which is much more believable.

The iPad 3 is said to come with QXGA (1,536x2,048 pixels) resolution, which we've heard numerous times, and longer battery life. We've also heard rumors that the high resolution required two LED light bars to be installed instead of one, which had made the slate slightly thicker than the iPad 2, but on the other hand it seems more room for a battery has been made, if the claim for a longer-lasting juicer is to be believed. The main goal here is to introduce the iPad 3 at the current iPad 2 price, which will be allegedly lowered to $399, to battle the influx of affordable Android and other tablets.

The iPad 4, on the other hand, is said to receive not only a more impressive hardware upgrade than the iPad 3 (quad-core A6 anyone?), but also to bank heavily on groundbreaking software side of things with some "integrated applications", whatever that means.

This one will have the first Windows 8 tablets to battle, both the ARM-based, and the ones with the new Clover Trail platform of Intel, which promises much better battery life than previous Intel mobile offerings, plus all the Windows programs you throw at it, of course, which is a major advantage. Both Acer and Lenovo are already said to out Clover Trail Windows 8 slates in Q3, so competition will be heating up in the tablet space this year, much to our delight.

Galaxy Nexus coming to Telus, Rogers in Canada, Sprint in US

The Galaxy Nexus has been available on Canadian networks Bell and Virgin Mobile but now it is arriving on Telus and Rogers networks as well on January 13. Unfortunately, there is no information available regarding pricing and tariffs at the moment.

If you're reading this in the US and feeling a bit jealous that you only have one carrier offering the Galaxy Nexus then don't worry because soon Sprint will be offering the Galaxy Nexus as well. This information actually comes from an Internet ad found on the web page of CNET and noticed by the eagles eyes of The Verge.

The ad has since been pulled as clearly it went online well before it was intended to but it did offer some valuable information while it was available. For starters, the phone will be running on Sprint's upcoming 4G LTE network and in fact will be the first LTE phone on Sprint's network. Secondly, the Sprint's Galaxy Nexus will actually have a 1.5GHz processor, as compared to the 1.2GHz processor on the GSM and Verizon CDMA version. Rest of the specifications seem to be identical.
Hopefully we'll hear more from Sprint regarding this soon.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Now playing: Faster movie search on Android and iPhone

With the December movie season in full swing, we’ve just made it even faster and easier to discover movies, showtimes and theaters, all from your smartphone. Now when you search for [movies] or your favorite theater like [century san francisco] on from your phone, you’ll see interactive results for movies in a new swipeable ribbon, with the most relevant information displayed at the top of the page.

For each movie, you’ll see the movie poster, a short summary, ratings and the nearest theaters and showtimes. Designed to help you quickly browse what’s playing in theaters now, this information instantly updates as you slide through the movie posters -- no need to wait for a page to load or to use the back button.

To learn more about a movie, tap the movie title to find details like the cast and a full summary. And if you see a play button on the movie poster, you can tap to view the official trailer. You can even buy tickets directly from your smartphone by tapping on underlined showtimes -- and skip past those long holiday box office lines!

So the next time you head out to see sagas of vampires, the world’s biggest Muppets fan, dancing penguins or nearly impossible heists, try the new interactive results for movies by visiting on your iOS or Android phone’s browser and searching for [movies], [theaters] or a movie title. This feature is available in English, in the US.